AAC Awareness Month: Making Mealtimes Communication-Friendly
Every October, AAC Awareness Month shines a light on the importance of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in supporting individuals who face communication challenges. For those living with dysphagia, mealtimes can be not only physically difficult but also isolating when communication options are limited. At Simply Modified, we believe that mealtimes should be empowering, not isolating. That’s why we’re excited to share our Mealtime Communication Boards, designed specifically to make communication during meals accessible and enjoyable.
Why communication matters during mealtimes
For people with dysphagia, communication challenges can add extra hurdles to a time that should be focused on comfort and nourishment. Expressing choices, preferences, or discomforts—whether it’s about the temperature of the food or wanting to slow down—can become difficult. This can lead to frustration and a loss of autonomy. AAC tools, like communication boards, help create a mealtime environment where individuals can participate more fully, express their needs, and engage with those around them.
Tips for making mealtimes communication friendly:
Here are some ways caregivers and family members can make mealtimes more accessible and enjoyable:
Incorporate Visual Tools: Use tools like Simply Modified’s free Mealtime Communication Boards, designed specifically to help individuals express their preferences, discomforts, and needs during mealtime. These boards include symbols and words that are easy to understand, allowing individuals to quickly communicate.
Offer Choices Frequently: Encourage choice-making at mealtimes. Offer options for food texture, drink temperature, and pace. With the Mealtime Communication Boards, a simple point to a symbol can convey a request or preference, helping individuals feel in control of their mealtime experience.
Check In Regularly: Periodically ask questions and use the communication board to guide answers. For example, using phrases like “Are you comfortable?” or “Would you like to slow down?” can open the door for communication and make sure the individual’s needs are met.
Encourage Participation: Involve individuals in meal-related decisions when possible. Using the board, they can indicate whether they want more, have had enough, or would like a different consistency or flavor. This helps prevent frustration and keeps the mealtime experience positive.
Foster a Supportive Atmosphere: Create a comfortable and relaxed setting that encourages interaction. Avoid rushing through meals and take the time to sit down, listen, and be responsive to their communication needs.
NEW Download: Simply Modified’s Mealtime Communication Boards
We’re proud to offer our Mealtime Communication Boards as a downloadable resource to support meaningful communication during meals. These boards are tailored to assist with various aspects of mealtime communication, making it easier for people with dysphagia to participate actively and make their needs known. Download yours today from Simply Modified and join us in making every mealtime a moment for connection and autonomy.
Printable communication boards tailored to assist with mealtime communication, making it easier for people with dysphagia to participate actively and make their needs known.
Various options available including, small text, large text, high contrast and image-based boards. All boards are included and are free to download and print.
Watermark will be removed with download. Upon checkout you receive a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download. So make sure to save it after downloading.
Created by Speech Pathologist Brie Simons
This AAC Awareness Month, let’s work together to make every interaction (even around mealtimes) an opportunity for communication, connection, and dignity.
Written by Brie Simons
Speech Pathologist
Purchase a copy of Simply Modified.
Written by Speech Pathologist Brie Simons. Including over 50 delicious recipes, with instructions to simply modify meals, making them easy to chew, soft and bite sized, minced and moist, or pureed.
It’s time to fall in love with food all over again…